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Ten Verbs Dear to Blessed James Alberione


Onward, Daughters of St. Paul!

Blessed are the footsteps of those who bring the Gospel, who bring peace. Blessed are the walkers of God!

Today the world has changed, and to travel the paths of this world we must update ourselves, [using] all the means that can serve to communicate the Gospel.


St. Paul carried out the work of communicating Jesus Christ.

Our Family was raised up to continue this work, to be Paul alive today.

The first thing our apostolate requires is standard knowledge and then a knowledge of communications.

The pastoral spirit is to communicate Jesus Christ as he defined himself: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”


Diffusion is evangelization. It is a continuation of the public ministry of Jesus: “I came into the world to bear witness to the truth” (Jn. 18:37).

Without diffusion, the apostolate of the press is like a light under a basket.


The Liturgy of the Blessed Virgin Mary says: Edidit Salvatorem (“She has given us the Savior”). The glory of God and the salvation of all people: this is the purpose of the apostolate of the editions.


In order to form people, one must have knowledge, will power and common sense.

Jesus formed his apostles by giving them a heavenly doctrine accompanied by the example of a holy life, and by praying incessantly for them.


God works on behalf of those who work for him. Thus we must always work as if everything depended on us, and pray and hope in the Lord as if everything depended on him.


Organize the good. Organizations have great power. Even if a person is holy, alone he/she is just a twig. Everyone should harmonize with the others, like the members of a beautiful opera.


To preach is to communicate Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life.

Our machines are pulpits; our [apostolate] rooms are like churches; our workers are preachers: all these realities should be understood in this new and unique way.


Those who do not pray abundantly do not make much progress.

Until we reach the point of believing that prayer is as necessary to life as bread and air, we will be inadequate, empty and inconstant.

Prayer is the soul of every apostolate.


It is the apostolate of the pen. Transform yourselves into the pens and mouths of God, through Jesus Christ our Master.

To write is a spiritual work of mercy toward “our” poor: those who do not know God.

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Daughters of St. Paul

Proclaiming the gospel through the media.

In a world that yearns to receive the Good News, we seek through the various aspects of our mission to be instruments of mercy, hope, and love.

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