Discernment is not merely about making decisions such as deciding what to wear today, where to go on vacation, or what to major in at college. Discernment is about developing a relationship with God in order to:
Discernment helps us become more attentive to our daily life, our deeper desires, our hopes, and our reactions or responses to the world. Our unique gifts and personalities, our personal histories and backgrounds shape how we see the world and what we desire to offer it. God does not call us to become someone we are not. Instead, God lovingly invites us to be fully ourselves in him.
Discerning our vocation, then, means discovering how God invites us to make a gift of ourselves to him and to the world in love. We can ask: How is God inviting us to express His love in the world today? How is he calling us to be at the service of others?
If you feel called to discern your life’s vocation, to explore religious life, or to dedicate your life so that the world may know Jesus, you are welcome to begin your discernment journey here.
Here are some things you can do as you begin and continue your journey of discernment:
Ultimately, our vocation is about living each day more closely united to God, and you can start that now!
Learn from married people, priests, and religious sisters about how they discerned their call. Ask all the questions you have!
Volunteer in your community, assist at your parish, visit the sick or homebound. Every vocation is about self-giving love, and you are called to that right now.
Discernment can often be confusing, sometimes tumultuous, but always beautiful. God makes everything clear in time, so be patient and live in his mystery.
Let us know how we can help you and pray for you as you discover God’s unique call for your life.
Please use our contact form to reach our Vocation Office in the US & Canada. You can also reach us at our address below.
Daughters of St. Paul
50 Saint Paul’s Ave.
Boston, MA, 02130
Daughters of St. Paul
3022 Dufferin St.
Toronto, ON, M6B 3T5
© 2024 Daughters of St. Paul. All rights reserved.