Pauline spirituality is rooted in the words of Saint Paul in his Letter to the Galatians: “I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). The goal of our prayer and spirituality is to allow Jesus, the Divine Master, to live always more fully in us so that we may communicate him always more to the world. On our journey of transformation in Christ, we trust in the promise that Jesus made to our founder, Blessed James Alberione: “Do not fear: I am with you. From here [the tabernacle] I will cast light. Be sorry for sin.”
Each day, we are nourished by the word of God in daily meditation on the Gospel, and by the Word himself in Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration. We seek to turn our lives over to Jesus who is the Way, Truth, and Life. Mary, Queen of Apostles, is our model of giving ourselves to God in availability and trust, and of giving Jesus to the world with courage and zeal. We turn to Saint Paul the Apostle for inspiration both in mission and in our spiritual life.
Eucharistic Adoration is the spiritual treasure of the Pauline life. This time of “Visit with Jesus, as Blessed James Alberione taught us to call it, places us in daily, vital, and direct contact with Jesus the Master, during which we bring him all we are and he transforms us into light for the world. Before the Eucharist, we remember and deepen our call and receive the inspiration and strength to respond to that call in community and in mission.
As Pauline apostles, we maintain a contemplative stance before the world, bringing to prayer all the people and needs that we encounter and contemplate. Each apostolic project is accompanied by prayer for those who receive it. We intercede daily for all those who work in the media, and we pray in reparation for the harm caused by the media.
“Our existence becomes a liturgy of life offered to the Father so that all peoples of our era may know the truth.”
“Devotion means…to give ourselves totally to Jesus, in such a way that we live in him and he lives in us.”
– Blessed Timothy Giaccardo, SSP
The prayer life of each Daughter of St. Paul includes:
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