The Daughters of St. Paul, also known as “The Media Nuns,” are missionaries sent forth in the spirit of Saint Paul the Apostle whose heart burned with his great love for Jesus. We are called to proclaim the Gospel to the world through the most effective means of communication.
We are passionate about the new evangelization and the power of the media to transform hearts and to permeate society with the word of God. We believe that by living in Jesus and giving Jesus to the world, we become instruments of justice, peace, and mercy to all. As our Founder said, the one who uses the media to evangelize “rises to the dignity of an apostle and communicates a supernatural power through these ordinary means of communication” (Blessed James Alberione).
“When our hearts are filled with the love of God, then this love necessarily overflows onto the world.”
Responding to the cry of Jesus, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened” (Mt 11:28), we place our gifts at the service of the Church for the salvation of our brothers and sisters. Through our lives, our communities, and our media mission, we desire to open in today’s world new horizons of hope, of true life, of solidarity, of communication, and of communion.
We meet thousands of people daily in our Pauline Books & Media Centers as well as in our digital communications. The Sisters and staff at each of our Pauline Centers in North America stand in a long tradition of offering guidance, formation, hope, and the love of Christ to everyone who walks through our doors. Visit us for trustworthy spiritual reading and faith formation resources, spend some time in quiet prayer, or explore our formative and cultural events for the whole family. We also actively minister in the Spanish, Brazilian, and Korean Catholic communities with our media apostolate.
In a world that yearns to receive the Good News, we seek through the various aspects of our mission to be instruments of mercy, hope, and love.
“How beautiful it is to communicate Jesus to others.”
Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo
© 2024 Daughters of St. Paul. All rights reserved.