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Called and Consecrated
to Live in Christ

Until Christ Is Formed in You

For each person, formation in the Christian life begins at our Baptism and continues through prayer, the sacraments, study, and all the circumstances of life. For Daughters of St. Paul, formation in the Pauline life begins with the discernment process, continues through the stages of initial formation, and is an ongoing journey throughout religious life. Our spiritual goal comes from our father, Saint Paul: “That Christ may be formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). 

novitiate entrance 2024 - 2 (1)

“Through Baptism, the Father has chosen us to live in his Son. In calling us among the Daughters of St. Paul, he has consecrated us to himself more intimately to send us to proclaim the unfathomable riches of the mystery of Christ.”

FSP Constitutions, ART. #4

Taking on the Heart of Christ

At every phase of formation, we are invited to immerse ourselves deeply in the mind and heart of Christ. Through prayer, personal reflection and study, mission and life in community, as well as our everyday experiences, we grow as persons, as Christians, as women religious, and as Paulines. Regular dialogue with the formation director at every stage of formation helps us to understand what God is doing in our lives and how he is inviting us to grow. 

The Journey of Formation


A young woman inquires by contacting the community, attending vocation retreats, and entering into regular conversation and accompaniment with the vocation director to learn more about herself, to experience the life of the community, and to discover if God is calling her to the Pauline life.               


In the two years of postulancy, the postulants enter into the life of the community, transition into religious life, foster a deep life of prayer, and come to know in a fuller way if God is calling them to offer their lives in this congregation. Prayer, classes, and experiences of the Pauline mission contribute to growth in freedom, maturity, and discernment. 


During the two years of novitiate, through particular study of the Constitutions of the Daughters of St. Paul, the novices grow in a sense of belonging to the community, in taking on the Pauline life and mission, and in the desire to offer themselves to God in the Congregation. The novitiate is a school of faith, of discipleship, a journey of life that guides the novice toward the radical choice of Christ. 

First Profession

Novitiate concludes with first profession of the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience in the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul. Before first profession, the novice receives the habit in a ceremony called vestition. At first profession, she receives the Constitutions, the crucifix, and the emblem of the Congregation.                 


In the five to seven years of juniorate, our junior professed Sisters are given apostolic assignments in one or more of our local communities. Each year after reflecting on their experience, they renew their vows for another year. During juniorate, each Sister completes studies in the areas of theology, philosophy, and communications. 

Perpetual Profession

At the end of juniorate, and after a course of preparation, the Sister makes her perpetual profession of vows for all her life. “In the decisive act of perpetual profession, God consecrates the life of each one to himself forever and places it at the service of the Church in the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul” (FSP Constitutions, Art. #106). 

For All My Life

Prayer, study, and interior growth are essential to the life of every Daughter of St. Paul. In community, we participate in ongoing formation and study of the charism of the Daughters of St. Paul, as well as Church-related and culturally important topics. We also study individually in the field that is relevant to our work in the Pauline mission.  

“I commit myself to live in communion with my sisters, and to be faithful to the charism of the Founder, dedicating myself in the Church to evangelization…. May the grace of God help me to be faithful. Amen.”
FSP Formula of Profession of Vows