Praying in the New Year

Here at the Daughters of St. Paul we always end the old year and pray in the New Year with a day of retreat. It is a tradition of our congregation since our Founder received the inspiration for what would become the Pauline Family on a New Year's Eve spent in prayer. No matter how you ring in the New Year, I pray that your heart will be open to how God is inspiring YOU, and speaking to YOUR heart about what has been in 2017 and what will be in 2018.

"Kathryn, this is how I see it..." Words that always bring a blessing to me. Words that bring joy. Especially when it is God who says them to my heart.

"Let me share with you, my child, how I see the situation. How I see you. How I see the other person."

When my mind and my sight synchronize with God's, I experience the peace that says to my heart, "Now, at last, things are just as they are meant to be."

"I want to be with you, Kathryn, and to share with you my vision, what I know, how I care...."

As you think about the last year as it slips away and 2018 comes here to stay, I invite you, if you would like, to spend some quiet time asking God to show you how he sees something in your life. God wants you to know that he delights to be with you. He rejoices in you. None of your struggles or problems scare him away. He wants to be with you just as you are.

Ask him to share with you how he sees a person you are fighting with, or a child you are worrying about, or a parent you are caring for, or a world situation that frightens or angers you.

Hold on to the experience of peace God gives you as he gives you his sight. Ask him if there is anything you can do that is new in this New Year 2018. Listen for his word and his encouragement. The world certainly needs something new!

And hold God's hand as you walk with new eyes into 2018.

Know that the sisters are praying for you,

Sr. Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP



