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Category: History & Tradition

Venerable Mother Thecla’s Spiritual Journey: Seek First the Kingdom of God

This is the beginning of a series of reflections and prayers that takes you on a journey with Venerable Mother….

Ten Verbs Dear to Blessed James Alberione

TO MOVE AHEAD Onward, Daughters of St. Paul! Blessed are the footsteps of those who bring the Gospel, who bring….

Blessed James Alberione and the Pauline Spirit

What is the Pauline Spirit? The Pauline Family strives to fully live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and….

The Apostolic Mindset of Father Alberione

“One night at adoration the Lord made us understand that with the start of the new century it was necessary to….

Blessed James Alberione: Founder of the Pauline Family and the Daughters of St. Paul

On November 26, 1971, journalists and news reporters scrambled to cover the death of an 87-year-old, frail, half-bent priest who….

Saint Paul the Apostle and the Pauline Family

A review of the history of the Pauline Family, and thus the history of Pauline holiness, brings to light in….

Prayer to Obtain the Intercession of Mother Thecla Merlo

Most Holy Trinity, we thank you for the singular gifts of light, grace, and virtue which you granted to Sister….

Mother Thecla Generous on Earth and in Heaven

Four or five years after I entered the Daughters of St. Paul, I met Mother Thecla Merlo, our Co-Foundress. (Yes,….

Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo – A Woman of Great Faith

<p>Maria Teresa Merlo was born at Castagnito (Cuneo, Piedmont) on February 20, 1894, the second of four children of Hector….

Alberione’s Secret for Becoming a Great Saint Revealed!

Okay. That’s one of those titles you see in Google Ads whose purpose is to gain click-throughs (and money). Usually….