Category: Prayer & Spirituality

Easter Teaches Us Not to Fear Our Sorrow and Weakness

As I was living the sacred days of the Paschal Triduum this year, I have been thinking of how overwhelmed….

How Mary Helps Us Stay the Course for Lent

How is your Lent going? We’re about halfway through it already. If you have a Lenten plan and have stuck….

Mother Thecla Merlo: The Whole World Fit in Her Heart

What goes through your mind when you wake up? Your to-do list? Your calendar? An upcoming meeting? A conversation you….

Are You Enough? Two Saints, One Answer

Do you ever wonder if you are good enough? Good enough to get a promotion? Good enough for your children?….

Meditation on Our Easter Candle

Each year we purchase a plain Easter Candle. Sr Mary Leonora then lovingly creates a unique and exquisite image on….

Love Is the Real Power at Play

It has been but four days after 17 teens died at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and….

2 Secrets for the Journey to Heaven

There are days when we are reminded more than others that life only makes sense if we remember where we….

To The Glory Of The Most Holy Trinity

This is part 9 of the nine part series of meditations on the Word of God with reflections from the….

Mother Thecla’s Intimacy With God

This is part 8 of a nine part series of meditations on the Word of God with reflections from the….

The Pauline Mission as a "Liturgy of the Street"

For the past several months I’ve been reading the Facebook posts that show up on my Timeline. Various people in….