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Canon Francesco Chiesa

It might seem strange that the group  of Pauline saints includes someone who made no Pauline vow, and yet as Father Alberione’s spiritual director, Canon Chiesa is fondly considered the “godfather” of the Pauline family. 

Francesco (Francis) Chiesa was born in Montà d’Alba, Italy, on April 2, 1874. He proved to be a keen student who wanted to devote his life to God and the Church. He entered the seminary in Alba and in due course was ordained a priest. Over the years, he continued his studies—earning degrees in philosophy, theology, and law—both canon and civil law. 

Father Chiesa became a professor at the same Alba seminary that had formed him.  It was there that he met the seminarian James Alberione. Father Chiesa became James’ spiritual director, and was the first to learn of James’ inspiration to found a religious congregation dedicated to disseminating the Gospel to all humanity. It was with Francesco Chiesa’s steady and prayerful direction, advice, and support that Alberione was able to further discern the founding of this radically new congregation and move on to make the dream a reality. 

After James had been ordained and had launched the Society of St. Paul, Father Chiesa offered his services as a professor for the students. He taught the seminarians and future brothers of the Society, while continuing to advise and encourage Father Alberione. 

Father Chiesa served as a canon of the Alba Cathedral as well as pastor of the parish of Saints Cosmas and Damian.  Through the years, he continued to support the growth of the Pauline family.   

During World War II, as Italy endured food shortages, air raids, and troop invasions, Canon Chiesa was on the pastoral front lines. His personal diaries list the names of parishioners killed in bombings and relate how he was called upon to absolve men sentenced to death and witness their executions. During several terrifying situations faced by the Pauline Family in Alba, with the Pauline religious and their safety continually under threat, Canon Chiesa helped Father Timothy Giaccardo and others to maintain calm and order. His diaries note with affection the charity with which the priests of both the diocese of Alba and the Society of St. Paul continually risked their lives during this turbulent and dangerous time. Canon Chiesa remained beside them through it all. 

Although Canon Chiesa was a celebrated teacher and author, he was best known and loved as a faithful priest. He is remembered fondly for generously sharing his gift of guiding others, and for having had great devotion to Eucharistic adoration.  

The “godfather of the Pauline Family” died in Alba on June 14, 1946, and was proclaimed Venerable on December 11, 1987. 

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Daughters of St. Paul

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The Daughters of St. Paul is a congregation of Catholic women living our vocation to consecrated religious life in service to God’s people by preaching the Gospel through all forms of media. Our profoundly Eucharistic spirituality roots us in Jesus so that no matter what we do—writing, graphic design, radio, video, social media, music, art—we may be a communication of Christ’s love to every person we encounter.

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