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Jesus Master, Sanctify My Mind and Increase My Faith

Imagine if you could see the world the way GOD sees it? Imagine if you could think about things that happen in your life with the wisdom of GOD? Imagine if you could see your life and your loved ones with the mind of GOD? Have you ever wondered how God sees you?

If we are ever to get to the point of being united with God so much that we are imbued totally with God's wisdom, the way we think, and react, our biases and prejudices will all be healed. In other words, our minds will need to be sanctified. For Alberione, the sanctification of the mind was one of the most important things he wanted for his sons and daughters. This article talks about the virtue of faith and the way it can be strengthened:

Faith is the light that illumines our journey toward heaven. It is faith that makes the Christian different from the philosopher, just as reason distinguishes man from the animals. The knowledge which comes from revelation is more perfect, more sublime and more secure than knowledge which comes from the intellect or the senses.

Faith leads us to share in the wisdom of God and unites us to him. The light with which God knows himself then becomes our light; the wisdom of God, our wisdom; his mind, our mind; his will, our will; his life, our life. 

Faith is the source of true light for our minds, strength and consolation for our wills and of merit for our souls.

By faith the intellect rests on God, on the divine. How much God has revealed about his mysteries, about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, about the purpose of our lives, about the reward for the good and the punishment for the bad; and even more about the principles and means which help us to reach eternal life.

Faith is our only source of strength and consolation, It helps us think of our eternal reward: “From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness” (2 Tm 4:8), says St. Paul. And elsewhere, “I consider the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us” (Rom. 8:18).

And so a person struggles; he or she battles passions; he or she fulfills daily duty with courage: “…for whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith” (1Jn. 5:4).

Lack of supernatural knowledge, or intellectual pride, are the reasons why many do not believe, or have a weak faith, which is powerless in the face of temptation or of its enemies.

Faith is a gift of God; therefore, we must pray for an increase of it. With prayer and practice, faith will become stronger, more effective, more illumined.

In this manner, faith can be brought to perfection, that is, to the point of living it “…my righteous one will live by faith” (Heb. 10:38).

by Blessed James Alberione

Short Prayer: Jesus Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith.


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