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The Presence of the Mother of God

Founder of an apostolic family, Father Alberione was especially sensitive to the presence of the Mother of God in the realm of his apostolic labors and invited his Congregations to venerate her under the title of the “Queen of the Apostles.” The principal houses of these Congregations in Rome are located around the shrine-church he had built and dedicated to the Queen of the Apostles. It was his filial homage to the patroness of his entire work.

Every Marian title is simply the starting point for a greater understanding of the whole reality of the Virgin Mary, in the mystery of Christ her Son. Father Alberione’s perception of the Virgin Mother begins with his profound consideration of her as the Queen of the Apostles, bearer of the whole Christ and therefore the unsurpassed example of the “apostolate.”

In his own words:

“There is nothing more valuable to be given to this poor, proud world than Jesus Christ. Mary gave the world grace in Jesus Christ and continues to make this offering for all time. She is the universal mediatrix of grace and in this role is our mother. The world has need of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life. Mary gives him by means of apostles and apostolates which she inspires, forms, assists and crowns with fruit and the glory of heaven.     (AD 108)

Every apostolate is an irradiation of Jesus Christ. It gives something, so to speak, of Jesus Christ: doctrine by the apostolate of preaching, grace by the apostolate of the sacraments, formation by the apostolate of the young, etc. Mary gives the whole Christ, Way, Truth and Life. God established her as an apostle, that is, an apostle with Christ and for Christ, just as she is the Co-redemptrix with Christ the Redeemer.  (UPS IV 271)

Publishers possess the word. They multiply it and distribute it clothed in paper, type and ink. On the human level, they have the mission that Mary had on the divine level. She was the Mother of the Divine Word. She contained the invisible God and made him visible and accessible to us by presenting him in human flesh.”  (CISP599)



Meet the Author

Daughters of St. Paul

Who We Are

The Daughters of St. Paul is a congregation of Catholic women living our vocation to consecrated religious life in service to God’s people by preaching the Gospel through all forms of media. Our profoundly Eucharistic spirituality roots us in Jesus so that no matter what we do—writing, graphic design, radio, video, social media, music, art—we may be a communication of Christ’s love to every person we encounter.

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We regularly host opportunities for vocational discernment, providing a space for young women to learn about religious life and pray about where God is calling them. Get in touch with us to learn about events near you or to speak with a sister.

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Pauline Cooperators are lay men and women who anchor their lives in the Pauline spirituality and who participate in the Pauline mission, which is the very mission of Christ, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

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