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Bill Earles, APC

Get to Know Bill Earles, APC

On September 14, 2019, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, I took my Promise to become a Pauline Cooperator in Metairie, Louisiana.  The Pauline Book and Media Center had been known to me most of my life. On my drive to work I used to see the Sisters walking to Mass, but I didn’t realize that there was a convent above the bookstore.  

In 2014, my wife Donna and I moved to a location just a few blocks from the bookstore.  On my first visit to the store since the 1970s, I met Sr. Jerome, who told me about the Pauline Sisters’ mission. Our children were grown, and I thought the Sisters might need some help.  Now as a Cooperator I work assisting in the upkeep of the store building and being a “man Friday” for whatever is needed at the moment.  

The founder, Blessed James Alberione, created a Family of religious and laity with a goal for all to be holy. The Sisters are my mentors and the Pauline charism gives me more structure in living our Catholic faith.  

For those who may be looking into a lay association or “third order” I would say: “Being a Cooperator gives you a way to serve and provides structure to your faith. It gives you a way of focusing your faith. You focus it through the lens of Saint Paul. You’ve got to be able to communicate the Gospel message to people in a postmodern world. There are so many ways to serve as a Cooperator. Everybody brings something to the table.” 


Evangelizing in the sphere of communications

We merge faith with contemporary media to spread the Gospel through diverse digital platforms.

Discern Your Vocation

Deepen your relationship with God, envision your life through His eyes, and crave His will for you. Be attentive to your innermost desires, your unique gifts, and how you can serve others with all that you are.

Stories From Bill Earles, APC

Living a Eucharistic Day

Let me introduce you to a quote that changed my life. When I was sixteen years old, I visited. . . .

Vocation Story – Sr. Paulamarie Splaine

Sr. Paulamarie Splaine is from Worcester, Massachusetts. She has been a Daughter of St. Paul for sixty-three years, and. . . .

Daughters of St. Paul: Living Lamps Before the Eucharist

It has been two weeks since I have returned with my sisters from the Eucharistic Congress. Since then I. . . .