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Christin Jezak, APC

Get to Know Christin Jezak, APC

I’m Christin Jezak originally from Fall River, Massachusetts, but now I live in Burbank, California. I became a Pauline Cooperator on August 26, 2012 (Saint Mother Teresa’s birthday). When I was a teen, I always had a devotion to my faith as well as love for theatre/performing.  At a Steubenville Conference, Fr. Stan Fortuna, the rapping priest, spoke about Pope John Paul II’s call for the New Evangelization and using new means like the arts and media to evangelize.  My spirit was moved, but I didn’t know how to carry this call out.  A few years later, at this same conference, I met the Daughters of St. Paul and learned about their spirituality and Blessed James Alberione, who JPII called “the first apostle of the New Evangelization.”  It was from Blessed James’ teachings that I learned how to live out this calling as a Pauline Cooperator and found a spiritual family I could belong to. I carry out the Pauline mission of evangelization as a Pauline Cooperator by working in the entertainment industry, praying for those that I work with, and creating and performing work that glorifies God.   

For those looking to be part of a religious spiritual family as a lay person, I would say: “God never created us to be alone.  In our world that can be so fast paced, sometimes we forget the need for community, but we hunger for it.  I can’t even imagine living out the work that I do without the Pauline Family.  With the Pauline Family, I have co-workers, friends, and family that remind me of the reason why I do what I do, help me to grow, and support me in staying the course.” 

Evangelizing in the sphere of communications

We merge faith with contemporary media to spread the Gospel through diverse digital platforms.

Discern Your Vocation

Deepen your relationship with God, envision your life through His eyes, and crave His will for you. Be attentive to your innermost desires, your unique gifts, and how you can serve others with all that you are.

Stories From Christin Jezak, APC

Living a Eucharistic Day

Let me introduce you to a quote that changed my life. When I was sixteen years old, I visited. . . .

Vocation Story – Sr. Paulamarie Splaine

Sr. Paulamarie Splaine is from Worcester, Massachusetts. She has been a Daughter of St. Paul for sixty-three years, and. . . .

Daughters of St. Paul: Living Lamps Before the Eucharist

It has been two weeks since I have returned with my sisters from the Eucharistic Congress. Since then I. . . .