Vocation Stories

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This Is Where I Want You! Sister Laura Rosemarie’s Journey

The Jubilee of Artists and the World of Culture is taking place in Rome from February 15 -18. Pope Francis wrote to the artists participating in the Jubilee that they…

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Latest Vocation Stories

Reflections before First Profession: Sr. Carly Paula, FSP

I never imagined it would fly by so fast. When I entered community life with the Daughters of Saint Paul….

First Profession: Words of Gratitude from Sr. Mary Leonora, Provincial

What a long awaited and beautiful day in the life of a religious – profession day – which translates “wedding….

Reflections before First Profession: Sr. Chelsea Bethany, FSP

People keep asking me: “Are you ready to make First Vows?” I never know quite what to say. Can one….

St. Thérèse and My Vocation

I was baptized Teresa Marie, with St. Thérèse of Lisieux as my patron. Saint Thérèse was a really easy saint….

Magnificat! 100 Years and a Single Step

Reflections on My Forever “Yes.” Sr. Emi Magnificat’s Reflections on Her Retreat before Perpetual Profession 2015 is a special year….