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Category: Discernment

To Begin Discerning, the First Thing We Need…

…is to build and deepen our relationship with God! Our relationship with God is the context of our discernment, AND….

How Do You Know If YOU Are Called To Become a Sister?

God works individually with each one of us, so every sister would probably answer this question differently. If you asked….

Discernment as “Co-Authoring”

Recently, I received a reminder that my spiritual life is–surprise, surprise!–NOT about me! I was talking with a Sister, and….

You Spent Your Weekend Where!? What to Expect on Your First Visit to a Convent

Visiting a community of sisters can be a helpful step in discerning your vocation. Throughout the year we offer various….

Praying the Last Days of Advent

Reflecting with the “O Antiphons” From The Roman Church has been singing the “O” Antiphons since at least the….

My favorite thing about being a Sister

Hello! My name is Sr Emily Beata. I am a Daughter of St. Paul, and I currently serve as the….

How We Pray the First Week of the Month

The first week of the month is special in the prayer life of a Daughter of St. Paul. Why? Each….

A Meditation with Saint Paul

This Saturday, we will celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. This feast calls us to live like….

Novena for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

Today (January 16), the Daughters of St. Paul begin the novena in preparation for the Feast of the Conversion of….

Visiting the Convent for the First Time? DON’T PANIC!

My First Time in a Convent On my first convent visit, I was so nervous that I made my friend….